Aloha from the Makaha Valley Plantation Board of Directors,
Changes to your Board of Directors
Earlier this year we sadly accepted Greg Solokoski’s resignation as board member and Treasurer. We recently ratified the appointment of Lyn Kaaihue to replace Greg on the Board. Thank you for volunteering Lyn – we’re very grateful to have your presence and guidance!
In sad news Regan Wolford has recently resigned for health reasons. Regan has served diligently on the board for the past 10 years, lending expertise in so many areas. Thank you Regan. We appreciate your service and hope that brighter days are ahead for you. Mahalo nui loa i nā mea āpau
Update On Water Heaters
The functioning of our water heaters and ensuring everyone has access to hot water is our top priority. As such we have been researching different options and taking bids on replacements. We have secured a bid for replacing our 29 water heaters in the wash buildings, which themselves date back to the original building of MVP! They’ve served us well but 50 years is enough. We are taking additional bids and determining the most capital efficient approach to this project, but we are excited to finally be nearing a solution to one of our biggest problems!
As ever, if you are unsatisfied with your water temperature please let the front office know so immediate steps can be taken to address the issue. With any luck, those calls will soon be a thing of the past.
Hybrid-Zoom Meetings Survey Results
Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent Hybrid-Zoom meeting survey! It’s great to get owners directly involved in decision making at MVP. With 39 responses 74% of owners indicated they are not supportive of on-site Zoom-hybrid meetings. The main sticking point is the cost which adds up over a year due to needing a new Zoom license, computer equipment, and to pay staff members extra hours to operate the meeting. We can certainly revisit this in the future but for now the community has spoken, and we look forward to using survey mechanisms like this to solicit further feedback.
Responsible Disposal of Bulky Items
A friendly reminder to owners and tenants to properly disposing of bulky items, furniture, toilets, mattresses, and construction materials. Dumping them at the trash bin enclosures not only creates eyesores but also burdens our hardworking staff. Be a responsible resident and utilize proper facilities for disposal. Together, we’ll keep our surroundings clean and pristine!
Cat Trapping Pilot Initiative
We are excited to announce the launch of our cat trapping system aimed at managing the feral cat population in our community. We have successfully trapped two kittens and an adult female cat, had them spayed/neutered, and safely returned them to the area. If you own a cat please be aware that if they go outside they may be caught and if you are identified you will receive citations. Our dog owners are very responsible when it comes to leashes and keeping dogs indoors so there is no reason cats should receive special treatment.
A special thank you goes to Jolynn and a member of our community for their dedication and hard work in getting this initiative started. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and vital to the success of this program! We look forward to seeing how this pilot unfolds.
Looking for documents?
If you need a copy of the house rules, bylaws, minutes, or master insurance certificate then good news – we have that all on our website and the owner’s portal: – if you don’t have an account please contact the Front Office and they’ll get you connected! If there is additional documentation you are looking for please email and we’ll get it for you or send you in the right direction.
If you need more insurance information, such as if your lender/bank requires a new certificate automatically every year when the AOAO insurance renews, then please contact Make sure you supply the name and address of the lender/bank and request that they be named as an “additional insured”.
Tree Trimming
It Is that time of year again! Our annual tree trimming will begin shortly. Please be patient as the landscapers keep our paradise a paradise.
Painting Committee
It’s getting near time to paint our buildings and the question is, what color? Our community has strong feelings on this matter. Some feel our building colors are outdated and unmodern, others feel we should be trimming back expenses. In the interests of moving as a community we are forming a Paint Committee to look at different options and color combinations, with the intent of bringing forward a color and vote to the community. Andrew Clark has agreed to chair this committee but he needs your help – if you have expertise in painting, in renovations, or a good eye for color please reach out to
Appealing Fines and Citations
No-one likes to receive a fine and we understand there are sometimes extenuating circumstances. If you’d like to appeal a fine or provide more context then rather than calling our property manager please put something in writing and send it to Chester at Touchstone at: That helps with tracking and resolving issues and ensuring communication does not fall through the cracks.
Responsible Fire Grill Usage
Given the increasing danger of fires we would like to ask that everyone be mindful when using the shared fire grills. This includes putting out all fires, and ensuring that embers are properly disposed of. As an additional precaution during high wind days staff will close the grills and prevent them from being used, in accordance with guidance from the fire marshal. If you notice the grills not being used responsibly then please let the front office or security personnel know! We are fortunate to have all of the shared facilities that we do so please be mindful and weather-aware.
The MVP Board of Directors