October 2023 Newsletter

Aloha MVP Residents,

We extend a warm welcome to both our new and existing residents as we dive into the October 2023 edition of the MVP newsletter. While we cherish the vibrant community spirit that binds us together, we must also acknowledge the recent tragedy in Maui, which continues to weigh heavily on our hearts. In light of this, we want to reassure everyone that the safety and well-being of our community is our top priority. With this in mind, we are actively addressing concerns related to fire safety to ensure our beloved MVP remains a secure and serene haven for all.

Feeding Feral Cats

It has come to our attention that some residents are still feeding feral cats within our community. While we understand the compassion behind this act, it’s essential to recognize that this well-intentioned gesture can have unintended consequences. Feeding feral cats not only disrupts the local ecosystem but also poses potential health risks, particularly for our young and elderly residents. Cat Scratch Disease, a severe bacterial infection, can result from cat scratches. To safeguard the health and hygiene of our community, we kindly request that you refrain from feeding these cats. Your cooperation is vital in maintaining a safe environment for all.

PV Solar Project Meeting Update

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the owners who attended our recent information meeting about the PV Solar Project. Your participation and engagement were greatly appreciated. Here are some key takeaways from the meeting:

  • Ted emphasized the crucial role of solar and battery storage systems in emergency situations, highlighting their effectiveness during the recent Maui fires.
  • The installation of solar panels and battery storage will enhance our community’s resilience during power outages, ensuring access to electricity, refrigeration, and lighting in emergencies.
  • This project aligns with Hawaii’s sustainability efforts, contributing to reducing our community’s carbon footprint.
  • Regarding funding, it’s important to note that the roofing project is being paid for by the investors of the project, and not sourced from the HOA reserves.
  • Concerns about the appearance of solar panels were addressed, assuring a low-profile, sleek design.

Prioritizing Fire Safety

As we navigate through the scorching summer, our collective concern for fire safety takes center stage. We took proactive steps by inviting the fire captain and fire inspectors to assess our property and review our fire procedures. Their evaluation indicated that our existing fire plan is robust, requiring no immediate modifications. Following a thorough walkthrough of the property, a few areas identified for improvement have been promptly addressed by our tree trimmers. If you have any further concerns or questions about our fire safety measures, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Feeding Animals

We kindly request the community’s cooperation in refraining from feeding local wildlife and stray animals. This practice can lead to several concerns such as unpleasant odors, spoiled food, and creates difficulties for our staff in maintaining a clean environment. If you happen to notice a neighbor engaging in this behavior, we encourage you to inform our front office so that we can address the situation appropriately. It’s important to remember that not everyone is aware of the challenges associated with feeding animals, so let’s foster a harmonious living environment together.

Dog Doo Doo Don’ts

The issue of unattended dog waste on our sidewalks persists! We kindly remind all residents to be diligent in cleaning up after their beloved furry companions. If you are aware of a neighbor who may not be as attentive to this responsibility, please don’t hesitate to contact our front office. By identifying and addressing this concern, we can politely remind everyone that we share the same pathways within our community.

In closing, we want to express our gratitude for your continued support and involvement in making MVP a thriving and secure community. Your commitment to our shared well-being is what makes MVP a truly special place to call home.

Mahalo from the MVP Board of Directors