Aloha from Makaha Valley Plantation,
Welcome to the MVP March 2024 newsletter. To our existing owners and new owners we wish you a warm (albeit wintery) welcome!
Annual Meeting and Election Update
Thanks to all of the owners who were able to attend (from as far as Oregon!) our annual meeting. We are happy to report that we were able to successfully elect 4 board members: Andrew Clark, Jim Waldon and Patrick Muldowney will continue to serve on your board. We’re also glad to add Bobbi Mothes to the board, who brings a strong history in law and tax which will surely be a great value to our association.
Going forward Jim Waldon will serve as President, Lawrence (Larry) Moore will serve as Vice President, Greg Sokolowski will serve as Treasurer, and Bobbi Mothes will serve as Secretary. As always you can contact your board or learn more about how the association operates at
Aloha from Bobbi Mothes
My name is Bobbi Mothes and I would like to say big mahalos for electing me to your Board. I will be the new Secretary, and I look forward to serving for the next year. For those who don’t know me, I have lived at Makaha Valley Plantation since December 2017, and I love it here! You may see me walking around with my dachshund Ser Douglas Cinnamon Raisin Toast (picture below). If you see us, please stop and tell Ser he is cute – if he doesn’t get his daily socials he is insufferable!
In a past life I was an attorney, and when I left the practice of law I transitioned to education and earned a Masters degree in special education (5 years New York City, 3 years Waianae HS—go Seariders!)
Now that I am “fully retired” I use my law degree to write about tax law and other legal topics. I don’t do well with too much free time, and tax law is really boring, so here I am volunteering to help out! This is familiar territory for me, as I spent many years volunteering with the PTA when my daughter was small, and several years with other volunteer organizations.
I hope to help our Board solve any problems that come up, and keep MVP a great place to live. Mahalo!
Ser Douglas Cinnamon Raisin Toast
Introducing the Owner’s Portal
We are excited to introduce the Makaha Valley Plantation Owner’s Portal. This is an owner’s-only section of our website that provides secure access to a growing number of documents that cannot be publicly provided such as financial reports, annual meeting notes and bylaws declarations. Over time we will expand this section and provide further documents. If there is a particular item you are interested in then please reach out and we’ll see if we can provide it!
So how do you access the owner’s portal? First you’ll then need to contact Jolynn at the front office and request an account. Her email is Once you’ve been verified as an owner we’ll let you know so you can reset your password, and then you have access! Login at – your home for all things MVP!
This is a Beta release so if you have any issues, concerns or questions then please get in touch!
Kathy and Tommy’s Retirement
We’d like to thank Kathy and Tommy Sowell for their years of service on the MVP board. It is their hard work and dedication to this community that has led to Makaha Valley Plantation being the beautiful, harmonious and highly valued community that it is today. Thank you Kathy and Tommy and we hope they have a fabulous and adventurous retirement. Mahalo!
Chicken update and Security Reminder
Our grounds team has been diligently working to remove roosters, hens, and as many eggs as possible. Totals for 2024 alone are 21 roosters, 21 hens, and 365 eggs – that’s a lot of omelettes! This helps but does not solve the chicken problem so we are currently trialing setting traps each week – this allows us to more consistently remove chickens, without taking too much time from our staff’s other duties.
If you do see someone feeding the chickens (or stray cats) then please contact security. If you have a photo of an offender then please also contact security as this can help in the citations and fining process.
Wash Machine Update
Our new WASH Laundry machines have been installed and are running well! If you haven’t already done so download the WASH app so you can add credit, remotely check machine availability, and have a much better washing experience. If you have any technical issues or are having trouble with the WASH app please get in touch with the front office!
Mahalo for being part of the MVP community! Your cooperation and engagement contribute to making Makaha Valley Plantation a wonderful place to call home.
– MVP Board of Directors