September 2024 Newsletter

Aloha from the Makaha Valley Plantation Board of Directors,

Fire Inspection Report

As we move through summer fire safety and prevention is on the top of everyone’s mind, both the Board of Directors, and owners who have attended recent meetings. As such we wanted to share that the Honolulu Fire Department has conducted a fire inspection, given our proximity to the neighboring golf course. The inspector has reviewed the firebreak around our property and found it to be in compliance. They reviewed our overall fire preparedness and procedures and gave a “Satisfactory” rating. We have received no violations, nor guidance on improvements at this stage. We are in as good of a place as we can be.

We all share responsibility on fire safety in our communities so HFD recommends reviewing their fire and life safety documentation here:

If you notice any unsafe behavior or have concerns then please reach out!

Promoting Positions

We would like to provide updates on personnel roles to our security and management team. Chris Hodges is Assistant Manager in training, under the mentorship of our long-time General Manager; Joseph Nunuha. We are very excited to be shepherding a new generation of leaders in our community.

Responsible Fire Grill Usage

Given the increasing danger of fires we would like to ask that everyone be mindful when using the shared fire grills. This includes putting out all fires, and ensuring that embers are properly disposed of. As an additional precaution during high wind days staff will close the grills and prevent them from being used, in accordance with guidance from the fire marshal. If you notice the grills not being used responsibly then please let the front office or security personnel know! We are fortunate to have all of the shared facilities that we do so please be mindful and weather-aware.

Don’t feed the animals – increases in fines coming soon!

In the spirit of Aloha, we kindly remind everyone to refrain from feeding stray cats, chickens and peacocks on our shared property. Not only is it a violation of our bylaws, but it also risks the health of our community, not to mention possible citations and fines. Please respect your friends and neighbors, as our staff diligently works on capturing chickens and finding solutions for stray cats. If you observe someone feeding the animals, report it to the front office, anonymously if preferred. Unfortunately, this is becoming a greater and greater issue and we will soon be increasing the fines for this behavior.  Together, let’s ensure the health and cleanliness of our community!

Mahalo for being part of the MVP community! Your cooperation and engagement contribute to making Makaha Valley Plantation a wonderful place to call home.


The MVP Board of Directors