January 2023 Newsletter


Happy Holidays and welcome to the January 2023 edition of the Makaha Valley Plantation newsletter! The aim of this newsletter is to bring you the latest MVP news, project updates, and help build community here on the westside.

General Meeting

As a reminder for owners we have an upcoming board meeting this Tuesday. If you’re an owner living on-island we hope to see you there:

Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Time: 6:30 p.m. – Call to Order     

Place: Kiana Pool Pavilion

A Note On Water Hoses and Public Spaces

Please refrain from using personal water hoses on any common area spigots or faucets. Rule D.1 on Page 8 of the House Rules reads: “No apartment Owner, Occupant or Guest shall place, store or maintain in the halls, lobbies, stairways, landings, walkways, grounds or other Common Elements of Makaha Valley Plantation any furniture, plants, packages, or objects of any kind, nor obstruct transit through such Common Elements in any manner whatsoever…”

If you would like to wash your car we have a designated area for this purpose, so just check with the guard shack and they can give you the key. Mahalo!

Update on the HOA Voting By Laws

We are nearing our next general election and all owners should have received a letter detailing the changes to the HOA by-laws that we’ve been discussing for a while. As a reminder the change we are looking to make is to allow enable community members to be elected to the Board of Directors by receiving the greatest number of votes, rather than requiring they meet approval by the majority of the community, which as we found last year makes it hard to elect new members, or even re-elect prior members.

You should have received your updated letter and voting form but if you have not please reach out to Chester at Touchstone so they can provide you with one. If you have any questions about this change then please reach out so we can clarify anything that is on your mind!

H06 Insurance Resolution Reminder

No-one likes bad news and there is no worse news than your home, or someone else’s, being damaged and finding out that it is not properly covered by insurance! The Board of Directors has recently put forward a motion to make H06 Insurance mandatory for all owners – this will ensure that whatever happens to you, or your neighbors home, everyone will be properly covered. It will also mean that the association is able to purchase more competitively priced insurance, which will help avoid association fee increases as insurance rates have been increasing over the last few years!

You should have received an explainer letter titled “Resolution to Require Owner Insurance”, and Mahalo to everyone who has submitted their vote. If you haven’t submitted your vote please go ahead and do so, or reach out to Chester at Touchstone if you did not receive the letter. We appreciate your involvement in helping protect our community!


MVP Board of Directors

December 2022 Newsletter


Happy Holidays and welcome to the December 2022 edition of the Makaha Valley Plantation newsletter! The aim of this newsletter is to bring you the latest MVP news, project updates, and help build community here on the westside.

An Spectrum Internet Update from David Lapera

Aloha Makaha Valley Plantation Homeowners,

Great News! We are writing to inform you that your Board of Directors has voted to enter into a new bulk agreement with Spectrum to provide the following services, with an activation date of January 9, 2023

  • Spectrum TV® Select, Entertainment and Sports View
  • Spectrum Internet® Ultra 500 mbps with Wi- Fi (1 FREE Modem and Router)
  • Two HD DVR Boxes

You are eligible for Two Spectrum Receivers with DVR service, plus one modem and router at no charge.

The monthly fees will be included in your HOA maintenance fees. You will also receive a bulk notification postcard from Spectrum on or about the activation date of January 9, 2023.  The postcard will list the services included in the bulk and how to setup an account or to update your current equipment.  The number to Spectrum Bulk customer care to call on or after the activation date is 1-855-326-5115.

To avoid any confusion it is recommended to call on or after January 9, 2023, at that time your account will have been updated in Spectrum’s billing system to reflect the new bulk contract.  Calling sooner than the activation date your account may not be updated and the customer care rep will only see the services included with the current bulk agreement.

If you are currently a Spectrum subscriber you will keep the same account number and your services will be transitioned over to new agreement automatically. Your current billing rate will continue until the first bill after the activation date.  Your new monthly invoice will show the adjustment amount and reflect the services included in the bulk with Spectrum as well as any equipment or additional services you have outside the agreement. 

If you’re are a new Spectrum subscriber you will need to call to set up an account. 

If you have services outside the bulk agreement it will be an additional charge billed to you individually (for example: additional Spectrum Receivers, additional Premium Channels, Pay per View, On Demand, Spectrum Voice®, etc.).

If you decide to move, you will be responsible for returning the Spectrum equipment to your nearest Spectrum Store or any FedEx location. Any unreturned Spectrum equipment will result in unreturned equipment fees.


David Lapera

Owner Representation

We would like to remind owners that the State of Hawaii Real Estate Division requires that owners who are off-island for more than 30 days have a local representative with access to their unit. This name and contact information of this person should be communicated to the front office so that in the event of an emergency, be it fire or flood, services can access the unit. So, please let the front office know who to contact when you are off island, and periodically update that information as needed.

Security Threats

Chris and our security team work hard to protect our community and keep everyone safe. Unfortunately, in their line of duty, they are sometimes the subjects of abuse or threats of violence. As you can imagine this is completely unacceptable from an ethical, moral, and liability perspective. We have zero tolerance for this and will levy large fines, into the thousands if need be, to anyone who abuses or threatens our staff. If you are unhappy with something our security team has done or wish to report an issue please reach out to the front office or the property manager. People make mistakes but there is no room for this sort of bad behavior.

Santa is coming to town (again)

Unfortunately, due to adverse weather conditions, Santa and his helpers were not able to visit MVP at the scheduled time. Fortunately he’s passing through the area on Christmas Eve before he starts delivering presents, so we hope you’ll come and see him from 1pm to 3pm on December 24th. Kids can meet Santa, take photos, and participate in a lucky dip raffle! We hope to see all the good boys and girls of Makaha Valley Plantation soon.

A Note About Maintenance and Repairs

As we all know equipment can break down from time to time.  As part of our proactive attitude we have our staff constantly monitoring lights in parking lots or stairways, hot water temperatures, gates, and potential water intrusion issues.  They also monitor railings, stairs, laundry equipment and cleanliness of the grounds.  When something breaks our staff addresses the issues as soon as possible and bring technicians in to repair if it is beyond our staff capabilities. When such events occur we ask that our residents be understanding knowing that we are working to correct the problem as soon as possible. If you notice an issue we ask that you contact security or the office depending on the hour of the day to make sure we’re aware of it.  We appreciate your understanding and know that our team is working to provide excellent service.


MVP Board of Directors

November 2022 Newsletter


Welcome to the November 2022 edition of the Makaha Valley Plantation newsletter! The aim of this newsletter is to bring you the latest MVP news, project updates, and help build community here on the westside.

Update on the HOA Voting By Laws

Owners should have received a letter detailing a change to the HOA by-laws that would enable a simpler election process. Unfortunately, through a combination of communication errors and mistakes on the part of our legal counsel, the wrong letter and by-law change was sent out. We apologize for this mistake and will be working to flag issues with our legal counsel earlier in the process so as to avoid this sort of mixup.

You will receive a new letter and voting form soon and, as always, if anything seems amiss please reach out to the board or our property manager!

Happy Halloween In The Valley

It was great to see so many members of our community at our spooky, festive Halloween event! Here are a few of the most delightful trick or treaters here, and make sure to see everyone on the community photos section of the MVP website: https://makahavalleyplantation.org/community/

New Pool Keys

As you’ve hopefully heard we have a new pool key system which is modern and easier to use. Make sure you visit the front office to get your new pool key!

Keeping Your Details Up To Date

Please ensure that the front office has your latest email address and contact information so we can always get in touch with you for news, construction updates, and safety information. Owners should also ensure that you have a local contact in the event that something occurs that needs a local representative to take care of.

Bulky Item Disposal

We’d like to remind all residents that you cannot leave bulky items, such as household furniture, in the trash enclosure areas. Our signs indicate this but still residents leave large awkward items there – if you are caught the fine is $100. When items are left there then our own staff has to take them to the dump, which takes time and money that we would rather be spending on maintenance and serving our community. If items like this are put in the trash then we also get penalized. So please, dispose of your bulky items responsibly and we can all focus on our having an Aloha day.

Smoking Prohibited Signage

A review of the Hawaii Revised Statues 328J 1-12 indicates that MVP should post “Smoking is Prohibited” signs around the complex to be in compliance with the law.  The law states, in section 9, that signs shall be clearly and conspicuously posted in and at the entrance to every place open to the public by the owner, operator, manager, or other person in control of that place. 

In section 328J-3 it states that areas that are affected by the law include but not limited to Lobbies, hallways, and other common areas in apartment buildings, condominiums, retirement facilities, nursing homes, multifamily dwellings, and another multiple-unit residential facilities. 

In section 328J-12 which covers penalties it says the following: A person who owns, manages, operates, or otherwise controls any place or facility designated by this chapter and fails to comply with this chapter shall be guilty of a violation and fined:
(1) Not more than $100 for a first violation.
(2) Not more than $200 for a second violation within one year of the date of the first violation; and
(3) Not more than $500 for each additional violation within one year of the date of the preceding violation.
(g) In addition to the fines established by this section, violation of this chapter by a person who owns, manages, operates, or otherwise controls any place or facility designated by this chapter may result in the suspension or revocation of any permit or license issued to the person or the place for the premises on which the violation occurred.
(h) Each day on which a violation of this chapter occurs shall be considered a separate and distinct violation.

We realize that this will take some adjustment for some but to avoid not being in compliance with the law sets a legal threat to the HOA which we obviously don’t wish to pursue.  We appreciate your cooperation in this matter and if you have any questions please reach out.

Preparing For Natural Disasters

As residents of Hawaii we are especially vulnerable to different natural disasters, so it’s incumbent on everyone to plan ahead and a great way to prepare for the unforeseen is to create a 14-Day Disaster Supply Kit. We’ve added this PDF to our website, which you can refer to and learn more information about to ensure that you and your family are secure in the event of an emergency. https://makahavalleyplantation.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Plan-and-Prepare.pdf

Information for Owners Of Rental Properties

Are you a new owner and considering, or already, renting out your unit in Makaha Valley Plantation? There are a range of local laws and residential codes you’ll need to ensure you’re following, particularly around property management and having an on-island contact, so we encourage you to read this PDF to learn more:

Checking Owner Accounts and Overdue Fees

It is every homeowners responsibility to pay their association fees promptly, as well as citations and other expenses. An overdue account can result in overdue charges and, if left unattended, the costs can rack up! The Board is giving owners 6 months to set up a login with Touchstone and determine if your account is accurate and up to date – otherwise you may find unexpected or unpleasant costs appearing.

To check your account you’ll need to create a login with Touchstone.

  1. Visit https://www.touchstoneproperties-hawaii.com
  2. Click View your account or payment history – this will open the SKYLINE dashboard.
  3. You’ll need to enter a username and password and if this is your first time here you’ll need to call Touchstone on 808-566-4100
  4. Tell the operator you are signing up for a SKYLINE Dashboard Account and you will be transferred to accounting, and can then request a username and password.
  5. Once you receive your unique username and password, write it down for future reference, and proceed with your login!
  6. You can then review your account history and make payments as needed.

If you have any issues with this process please get in touch!

MVP Board of Directors

October 2022 Newsletter


Welcome to the October 2022 edition of the Makaha Valley Plantation newsletter! The aim of this newsletter is to bring you the latest MVP news, project updates, and help build community here on the westside.

Important Changes to the HOA Voting By Laws!

As you may recall our Bylaws state that candidate board members must reach a majority vote to be elected, as opposed to receiving the highest vote share. Unfortunately, this is a difficult threshold to reach, especially if there are many candidates running for election.

As such the board has been working towards amending the bylaws so owners will be receiving a letter and other information to vote on this change very soon. The proposed change will mean the candidates who receive the largest share of votes will be elected – a far more efficient and effective process! This will require 66% of owners to vote and approve of this change so please promptly fill out and return the voting letter as soon as you receive it, and if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Chester Reeves at Touchstone!

Spectrum Internet Upgrades coming to MVP in 2023

At the beginning of 2023 our Spectrum account is going through some major changes. We have made an agreement with Spectrum, taking advantage of our Purchasing Hui agreement, in which we have negotiated a new five-year agreement. This means we have locked in the current rate and will not be affected by price increases.  The new agreement will increase our TV package to include all their non-premium channels; about 275 total.  The new agreement will also include internet services at their Ultra-high-speed service which currently is at 500 Mbps.  They will be providing two HD DVR boxes per unit.  The modems will be upgraded to Wi-Fi 6 wireless routers. The pool areas will also be upgraded with community Wi-Fi 6 which provide better encryption and stronger signals at a faster rate.  The office will also be upgraded to 200 Mbps.  So, now you will be able to stream movies and other materials more easily.  These services will all be incorporated into the maintenance fee.

For residents of the property, they will be able to cancel their internet package.  Regarding their TV package, unless they want premium channels, they will have the largest selection available.  This should save residents around $30 to $40 a month, if not more.  Investors should be able to pass on these added expenses in maintenance to their tenants.  It will provide MVP with the best possible communication features currently available. 2023 will have some exciting upgrades!

Updates on the Solar PV project

As you may have heard, the Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law by the Biden Administration.  With it comes new regulation and incentives for projects like ours.  The good news is that projects like ours can get larger incentives which will attract more investors or help retain existing investors. The challenge is there are several new regulations.  One being to qualify for the rebates and tax credit the system must be no larger than 1 megawatt. Our planned project was aiming for 1.55 megawatts. As such we will build it in two distinct phases.  That means some electrical and design changes will have to be redrawn.  There are other requirements which require clarification and/or modification.  So, a lot of things are in motion.

The current timeline is the heat pumps, solar thermal system, some tank upgrades, and the water temperature mixers are expected to start by the second quarter of 2023.  The roof renovations, to prepare for the PV panels, will start around the third quarter and the PV panel installation for the 1s1 phase will start around the fourth quarter of 2023.  The 2nd phase of PV panels will start around the second quarter of 2024.  The electrical system upgrades will follow as the PV panels are being installed.

We also need to get in some painting prior to the Tesla Power Wall panels being installed on the building. So, during 2023 the delaminating panels on the buildings will have to be replaced with painting set to start at the beginning of 2024. The painting of the building will continue through 2027.

Public charging stations are planned but where they will they be placed has not yet been determined.  We are planning on having a couple of them.  In addition, you will be able to have a charging station in your own parking space, but that upgrade will be at your own expense.  Your electrical panel inside your unit is adequate for your unit as it was originally built but if you are planning to do any upgrades such as adding a mini-AC unit you will need to upgrade it.  We are working with Hawaii Unified to provide a bulk quote for replacing circuit breaker boxes at the owner’s expense.

Lots of construction, coordination and cooperation will be needed.  We ask in advance that you be patient and understanding knowing that in the end MVP will be so much better than it is now!

Do Not Feed The Animals

A reminder to all residents to please not feed the animals on property. There have been 3 citations in the last month issued for the feeding of chickens and feral cats. Some residents have been doing it for a long time but it is not fair to our community. People don’t want to be woken up at 5 in the morning, or even earlier, by roosters crowing. Nor should they have to put up with the smells generated by the cats that hang around the units. The house rules are designed to correct bad behavior, not to make money through fines – unfortunately we have found that fines are the best way of getting attention and changing behavior that harms everyone.

For those of you that walk your dogs around property, please pick up after your dogs. Our employees do not need to find what they leave behind when using the weed whackers. It gets on them and our employees do not deserve that kind of disrespect.

H06 Insurance Consent Form Reminder

Thanks to everyone who has received, signed and sent in the H06 Insurance consent form! However there has been a little bit of confusion – please send in your written consent form as this is what will allow us to update our bylaws and make H06 insurance mandatory. Some folks have been sending in a copy of their own insurance policy which does not help with this matter. If you have any questions or need a new written consent form please contact Chester Reeves at chester@touchstoneproperties-hawaii.com

Time On The Job

We greatly appreciate the friendly relationship we all have with our security and groundskeepers, and we hope you feel that everyone is both professional and approachable. However, we would like to remind everyone that they have busy days and a tightly managed work schedule, so please be respectful of their duties and refrain from overly long distractions.

Checking Owner Accounts and Overdue Fees

It is every homeowner’s responsibility to pay their association fees promptly, as well as citations and other expenses. An overdue account can result in overdue charges and, if left unattended, the costs can rack up! The Board is giving owners 6 months to set up a login with Touchstone and determine if your account is accurate and up to date – otherwise you may find unexpected or unpleasant costs appearing.

To check your account, you’ll need to create a login with Touchstone.

  1. Visit https://www.touchstoneproperties-hawaii.com
  2. Click View your account or payment history – this will open the SKYLINE dashboard.
  3. You’ll need to enter a username and password and if this is your first time here you’ll need to call Touchstone on 808-566-4100
  4. Tell the operator you are signing up for a SKYLINE Dashboard Account and you will be transferred to accounting and can then request a username and password.
  5. Once you receive your unique username and password, write it down for future reference, and proceed with your login!
  6. You can then review your account history and make payments as needed.

If you have any issues with this process, please get in touch!


MVP Board of Directors

September 2022 Newsletter


Welcome to the September 2022 edition of the Makaha Valley Plantation newsletter! The aim of this newsletter is to bring you the latest MVP news, project updates, and help build community here on the westside.

Sewer Line Work

We’d like everyone to be aware that we are working with the City and County of Honolulu on the main sewer line that runs through Kiana through the month of September. Please drive carefully through these sections, obey all signs and pay attention to worker directions.

New Exit System

Our new security gate is designed to only let one car through at a time. In other words, if you are following the person in front of you too closely then the gate is going to come down on your car! Please take a moment and come to a complete stop before proceeding. When people rush there ends up being collisions and damage, and it costs us all! Please follow the directions of all posted signs throughout the property, and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask security.

Checking Owner Accounts and Overdue Fees

It is every homeowner’s responsibility to pay their association fees promptly, as well as citations and other expenses. An overdue account can result in overdue charges and, if left unattended, the costs can rack up! The Board is giving owners 6 months to set up a login with Touchstone and determine if your account is accurate and up to date – otherwise you may find unexpected or unpleasant costs appearing.

To check your account you’ll need to create a login with Touchstone.

  1. Visit https://www.touchstoneproperties-hawaii.com
  2. Click View your account or payment history – this will open the SKYLINE dashboard.
  3. You’ll need to enter a username and password and if this is your first time here you’ll need to call Touchstone on 808-566-4100
  4. Tell the operator you are signing up for a SKYLINE Dashboard Account and you will be transferred to accounting, and can then request a username and password.
  5. Once you receive your unique username and password, write it down for future reference, and proceed with your login!
  6. You can then review your account history and make payments as needed.

If you have any issues with this process please get in touch!

HO6 Insurance Resolution Reminder

No-one likes bad news and there is no worse news than your home, or someone else’s, being damaged and finding out that it is not properly covered by insurance! The Board of Directors has recently put forward a motion to make HO6 Insurance mandatory for all owners – this will ensure that whatever happens to you, or your neighbor’s home, everyone will be properly covered. It will also mean that the association is able to purchase more competitively priced insurance, which will help avoid association fee increases as insurance rates have been increasing over the last few years!

You should have received an explanation letter titled “Resolution to Require Owner Insurance”, and Mahalo to everyone who has submitted their vote. We are currently sitting at 34% owner approval so if you haven’t submitted your vote please go ahead and do so, or reach out to Chester at Touchstone if you did not receive the letter. We appreciate your involvement in helping protect our community!

Avoiding Mosquitoes

It’s mosquito season and there is a simple way we can all help reduce this buzzing menace – ensure that there is no standing water on our lanai’s and elsewhere on the property! Mosquitoes require stable water, even as small as a puddle, in order to lay their eggs and reproduce. By ensuring we don’t leave containers of water, overfill garden beds, and just generally keep your lanai dry you can help yourself and your neighbors avoid this nuisance.


MVP Board of Directors

July 2022 Newsletter


Welcome to the July 2022 edition of the Makaha Valley Plantation newsletter! The aim of this newsletter is to bring you the latest MVP news, project updates, and help build community here on the westside.

This Could Cost You

If you live on property you may have noticed we haven’t had an exit gate for some time. The old gate served us well, despite being driven into several times by residents rushing through the gate. We all must have a little more patience when leaving the property. The new gate is designed to only let one car through at a time. In other words, if you are following the person in front of you too closely then the gate is going to come down on your car. You must make a complete stop and then proceed. We will periodically remind you and your guest not to follow the car in front of you so closely, and come to a complete stop before proceeding out. 

Unfortunately, in a matter of a week, the new gate has already been driven into twice at a cost of $400! So, please take a moment, stop completely, and avoid having to pay for the repair.

Children’s Safety

Management has noticed an uptick of children getting into mischief around MVP, especially since school has let out for the summer. Here is a short list of what has been found:

  • Children playing in the parking lot unsupervised. God forbid that your child gets hit by a resident pulling out of their parking stall and not seeing your child. Playing in the parking lots is not permitted, and you will be cited and fined if your child gets caught doing that.
  • Children playing in the common areas and breaking plants. Yes they can play there but not in the plants. You will be cited and possibly fined as well as pay for the cost to restore the plants.
  • Graffiti has been found on walls around MVP. If your child, regardless of their age, is found to be responsible for defacing public spaces you will be cited and fined for the restoration costs.

In the meantime we have the tennis court, basketball court and of course the swimming pools. Please use them and keep your children occupied. If you’re looking for other summer activities we suggest signing your children up for the Summer Fun program that takes place at Waianae District Park or the Boys and Girls Club. Above all, please supervise your children so we can ensure your loved ones are safe from harm.

Heating Up In Summer

As we get into summer some owners are asking about installing window air conditioners in their bedrooms. Unfortunately, we don’t currently allow this to ensure visual consistency between units, not to mention there are no adequate piping or drains on that side of the building (which is required for B & C units to ensure they don’t leak on their neighbors).

Occupants can get a portable AC and a window slide kit which helps, but the big issue is that the jalousie windows do not hold a seal which means cold air escapes and hot air enters. We’d like to remind owners that while the exterior jalousie window is required there are ways to create an interior seal. You could replace your window screen with a piece of plexiglass with rubber edging. or come up with other novel ways to seal your window! Aside from helping control temperature this would also help keep out dust and reduce noise. If you decide to do any internal modifications or construction, please ensure you submit a Construction / Renovation / Repairs of Apartments form to the front office, and hire a licensed contractor to complete the work. You can find these forms and more information at https://makahavalleyplantation.org/forms/

Water Conservation

Did you know that water is our most precious resource, and that we should practice conservation of it every day of our life?

Water is our most precious resource and we should all practice water conservation, every single day. The Honolulu Board of Water Supply is asking everyone on Oahu to voluntarily reduce their water usage by 10% due, in part, to the Red Hill contamination incident. Additionally, the Waianae coast, including Makaha, is currently in a severe drought situation due to the lack of rainfall. Here are a few simple water-saving tips:

  1. Check your faucets and pipes for any leaks
  2. If you have a dishwasher, scrape your dishes (don’t rinse) and only run it when it’s full
  3. Steam your vegetables instead of boiling them
  4. Minimize use of the garbage disposal
  5. Do not thaw food under running water, use the refrigerator or microwave to thaw
  6. When using a washing machine, only wash full loads
  7. Make sure your toilet isn’t leaking or refilling constantly because of a leaky fill valve
  8. Use a low-flow shower head
  9. Take shorter showers
  10. Keep tub baths to a minimum

For more conservation tips go to the Honolulu Board of Water Supply website at: www.boardofwatersupply.com/conservation

One other note, if you see or hear water running anywhere on MVP property, please let the office know. This can include hearing your neighbor’s toilet running or any other dripping sounds within the walls, as well as seeing any standing water or a leaky faucet anywhere on MVP grounds.

If we all start to follow these water conservation tips, we can help lower our water usage at Makaha Valley Plantation, help our community, and lower our water bill.

Be Careful Before Using

Living in Hawaii provides us all with nearly year-round beautiful weather, which also happens to be a perfect environment for bugs to thrive.  Even though we don’t necessarily get mosquitoes the size of small birds, we certainly have our fair share of ants, cockroaches, beetles and other insects.  We tend to be quick to grab that can of Raid or other insecticides to make short order of their existence. Many manufacturers provide a wide range of insecticides ranging from totally natural, to something that requires you to wear a hazmat outfit to apply to the area.

As a reminder, please ensure you only spread insecticides or pesticides inside your unit; not outside. I bring this up because the other day I purchased a bottle of insecticide that appeared to be safe to use indoors.  However, when I opened the care instructions, I was surprised to find that it was toxic not only to insects but to fish, crustaceans, lizards, and a litany of other animals.  The care instructions said to wear a long sleeve shirt, long pants, shoes, socks, gloves and to be careful it doesn’t land on anything that might be used by humans or in the preparation of food. That includes countertops, stove, sinks, utensils, cabinets, and virtually any place in the kitchen or bathroom.  It even says wash your hand thoroughly before using the bathroom after applying this insecticide! So, don’t be lured into thinking you have a safe product – these are poisonous and dangerous substances, so please read the instructions carefully. Be mindful when using insecticides or pesticides inside your home, and ensure you do not use them outside as it can be harmful to other residents. We hire a private extermination company to handle outdoor insect issues to ensure that everyone, including you, is safe. If you do see anyone using insecticides or poisons outside, please let the front office know.


MVP Board of Directors

June 2022 Newsletter


Welcome to the June 2022 edition of the Makaha Valley Plantation newsletter! The aim of this newsletter is to bring you the latest MVP news, project updates, and help build community here on the westside.

Required Owner Insurance

No-one likes bad news and there is no worse news than your home, or someone else’s, being damaged and finding out that it is not properly covered by insurance! To help ensure that everyone is covered the Board of Directors has decided to put forward a motion to make H06 Insurance mandatory for all owners – this will ensure that whatever happens to you, or your neighbor’s home, everyone will be properly covered.

You will soon be receiving a proposed resolution and explainer letter titled “Resolution to Require Owner Insurance”. This is in the best interest of all owners so we hope the resolution is successful, and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to get in touch with Chester or the board of directors.

Special Achievements Award

The Board of Directors takes great pleasure in awarding a SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD, to Assistant Chief Naomi Tagaloa, Ms Tagaloa recently answered a call for assistance from a resident of MVP. When she arrived, she saw that the resident was not breathing and she immediately moved the resident to the floor and proceeded to apply CPR. She was trained in AED, CPR, and First Aid. She was in contact with EMS, who assisted her over the phone until the ambulance arrived and took over. The resident did pass away but we are proud of the effort that Ms. Tagaloa attempted. Ms. Tagaloa is well respected among her peers and a great asset to our Ohana here at MVP. Thank you, Assistant Chief Naomi Tagaloa, for the fine example you set for our employees and the assistance you provide to our residents here at MVP!

A Note On Renovations and Remodels

Are you planning to renovate or remodel?  You can repaint, change window coverings and screens, or do any simple repairs.  However, for any major construction or renovation like changing cabinets, countertops, flooring, appliances, toilets, front doors, electrical or plumbing work you will need to submit the Construction / Renovation / Repairs of Apartments Form to the front office.  You can find this form on our website: https://makahavalleyplantation.org/forms

In addition, there is a Water Shutdown Form and an AC Installation Form.  However, at this time mini-split air conditioners are not allowed until our electricity electrical system is upgraded through the Solar PV Installation Project scheduled for 2023.

Did you know that you might need to obtain a building permit?  The City & County of Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) requires a building permit for any major electrical, plumbing or structural changes. You will also need a licensed contractor who should be able to obtain your building permit.  Once you obtain a permit from the DPP you will need to show a copy of the building permit to the Makaha Valley Plantation office.  The DPP website is: www.honoluludpp.org

For further information, please refer to the Makaha Valley Plantation House Rules Dated October 2010, Section G. Building and Landscape Modifications, Pages 14 – 15 which contain the following:

G. 1. No structural changes of any type shall be permitted either within or without an apartment without prior written approval of the Board of Directors.

G. 3. To install apartment entry screen doors, approval must be obtained at the Management Office prior to installation.

G. 7. Board approval must be obtained prior to installation, in any unit, of ceramic tile or wood flooring.  Documentation of notice to neighboring units must be included with request.

Hopefully this is all helpful information for all your renovation questions.  Happy remodeling!

New Vending Machine Prices

I’m sorry to say that Coca Cola has increased the prices of all of their drinks at the front office vending machines. Sodas, Powerade and Water are now $2.25. Vitamin waters are $2.50. Monsters and Reign are $3.25.

Parking Reminders

Our security team would like to remind owners and tenants of our parking rules, specifically that occupants should not use any parking spaces other than the space or spaces assigned to them. Private arrangements can be made to use a neighbors parking space but this should be pre-arranged and clearly stated in writing, signed by the owner, and filed with management. The limitations of our parking are a challenging issue, and the Board is investigating solutions to enable an increase in the number of parking spaces, but in the meantime we should all endeavor to be respectful and courteous.

You can read all of the parking rules in section 11 of the house rules, available at https://makahavalleyplantation.org/forms/

Solar FAQ

The Solar PV project continues to move along, with Hawaii Unified completing their engineering assessment and beginning the design process. If you have any questions about the project, please check out our FAQ at https://makahavalleyplantation.org/solar_faq/ or reach out to our property manager or the board of directors, directly.

Overdue Owner Accounts

It is every homeowner’s responsibility to pay their association fees promptly, as well as citations and other expenses. An overdue account can result in overdue charges and, if left unattended, the costs can rack up! It’s not good for the owner, nor the association. The Board is giving owners 6 months to set up a login with Touchstone and determine if your account is accurate and up to date – otherwise you may find unexpected or unpleasant costs appearing.

To check your account, you’ll need to create a login with Touchstone.

  1. Visit https://www.touchstoneproperties-hawaii.com
  2. Click View your account or payment history – this will open the SKYLINE dashboard.
  3. You’ll need to enter a username and password and if this is your first time here, you’ll need to call Touchstone on 808-566-4100
  4. Tell the operator you are signing up for a SKYLINE Dashboard Account and you will be transferred to accounting, and can then request a username and password.
  5. Once you receive your unique username and password, write it down for future reference, and proceed with your login!
  6. You can then review your account history and make payments as needed.


MVP Board of Directors

May 2022 Newsletter


Welcome to the May 2022 edition of the Makaha Valley Plantation newsletter! The aim of this newsletter is to bring you the latest MVP news, project updates, and help build community here on the westside.

Board Election Results

We held the second part of our annual meeting on April 16th to conclude board member elections and it was great to see so many of you there! After several rounds of voting Greg Sokolowski and Kathy Sowell were re-elected to the board by majority vote. No other candidate reached the majority vote necessary to be elected so a motion was made by the owners to adjourn the meeting until next year – Tommy Sowell will continue serving on the board as President, and in 2023 be up for re-election along with 4 other board member positions.

Changing Voting Rules

Our Bylaws state that candidate board members must reach a majority vote to be elected, rather than simply receiving the highest vote share. Unfortunately this is a difficult threshold to reach, especially if there are many candidates running for election. As such the board will be working towards amending the bylaws such that it is simply the candidates who receive the largest share of votes – this will be a far more efficient and effective process. This will require 66% of owners to vote and approve, so expect to hear more about this soon!

What To Do In An Emergency

We would like to remind all residents and new homeowners of a service we can provide in case of an emergency. We have 10 employees qualified to use and operate an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) which you have seen used on TV in hospital dramas. The procedure is used to restore a patient’s heart rhythm in events of cardiac arrest (ie. your heart stops). It is very important to get a patient breathing again in a very short amount of time in order to save their life and prevent brain damage. Our people are also trained in CPR and First Aid. We have at least one qualified person on each shift who can perform these functions. NOW, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: If you have an emergency, you must FIRST CALL 911 and then call our Security number at (808) 695-9464. That will ensure that EMS is on its way and that you have immediate help nearby. As an example, we had an incident recently where a male was found unresponsive when other residents arrived home to the unit. One of our security people was called and responded to the unit and got the male on the floor where the security person immediately started performing CPR under the direction of EMS over the phone until EMS arrived. Unfortunately the patient did not survive, but this could have saved that person’s life under different circumstances. Please keep this in mind if you have an emergency in the future. We all can remember 911, but you may wish to write down the security number for future reference: (808) 695-9464. Thank you.

Overdue Owner Accounts

It is every homeowner’s responsibility to pay their association fees promptly, as well as citations and other expenses. An overdue account can result in overdue charges and, if left unattended, the costs can rack up! It’s not good for the owner, nor the association. The Board is giving owners 6 months to set up a login with Touchstone and determine if your account is accurate and up to date – otherwise you may find unexpected or unpleasant costs appearing. How do you check your account? Glad you asked…

Checking Your Owner Account

To check your account you’ll need to create a login with Touchstone.

  1. Visit https://www.touchstoneproperties-hawaii.com
  2. Click View your account or payment history – this will open the SKYLINE dashboard.
  3. You’ll need to enter a username and password and if this is your first time here you’ll need to call Touchstone on 808-566-4100
  4. Tell the operator you are signing up for a SKYLINE Dashboard Account and you will be transferred to accounting, and can then request a username and password.
  5. Once you receive your unique username and password, write it down for future reference, and proceed with your login!
  6. You can then review your account history and make payments as needed.


Are you an owner and interested in accessing our Bylaws? If so you can get a copy by submitting an Affidavit to Touchstone and paying a fee of $0.15c p/page. Please fill out the Document Request Affidavit on https://makahavalleyplantation.org/forms/ and send it to chester@touchstoneproperties-hawaii.com


MVP Board of Directors

April 2022 Newsletter


Welcome to the April 2022 edition of the Makaha Valley Plantation newsletter! The aim of this newsletter is to bring you the latest MVP news, and project updates, and help build community here on the westside.

General Meeting – Part 2

We held our annual meeting on March 19th but were unable to complete board elections due to no candidates reaching the minimum voting threshold. We will be continuing the meeting on April 16th and holding a new round of voting, now armed with greater clarity and understanding of the process.

9am – April 16, 2022

Makaha Valley Country Club

84-627 Makaha Valley Rd.

Waianae, HI 96792

In the future, we will likely put forward an owners vote to change the Bylaws and simply elect those owners who receive the most votes, but this requires 67% of owners to vote in favor so will take a bit more time to organize.

Owners will be receiving a new proxy packet shortly. If you have already submitted your proxy form and do not wish to make changes then you do not need to do anything. If you wish to make a change to your proxy, or you will be unable to attend the continued meeting and wish to assign your proxy to someone else, then please make that change and send it to Touchstone or contact the front office. As always contact info is at https://makahavalleyplantation.org/contact/

Guest Parking Extended to 14 Days

At the general meeting on 30th March, a motion was passed that extends guest parking in Guest stalls to 14 days per calendar month. As a reminder, owners can assign their own parking stall to anyone for as long as they want – it’s your stall. The term “guest” is a little confusing here so if you’re confused or think you have been improperly cited please contact the front office.

Rules & The Board Of Directors

You can always access the House Rules on our website https://makahavalleyplantation.org/forms/. If you wish to access the Bylaws you need to get in touch with our property management company, Touchstone, and request a (free) copy of them. If you have a question or concern that is not addressed in the rules, or you have an idea for a change to a rule, we encourage you to reach out to Touchstone (who will then track and forward your question to the board).

We feel it’s important for the board of directors to be transparent and available to talk to owners, which is why all board members list their email addresses on our website at https://makahavalleyplantation.org/association/. If you would like to meet with our president, Tommy Sowell, and discuss matters in person he is happy to do so – you just need to ask and the board will try their best to accommodate!

Solar PV Update & FAQ

As a reminder, you can learn all about the background, progress, and benefits of the Solar PV installation by reading our FAQ here: https://makahavalleyplantation.org/solar_faq/.

Hawaii Unified, who will be doing the solar installation, is highly experienced and has worked with various large companies around the island. You can read about their contribution to H-Power (The Honolulu Program of Waste Energy Recovery) in Kapolei at https://www.s-5.com/case-studies/hawaiian-electric-company/ where they did an installation for the City & County of Honolulu. We have also organized a Zoom call with Ryno Irwin from Hawaii Unified on April 14th for owners, so keep an eye out for an email about that!

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out and we will try our best to provide an answer – we can also update the FAQ for the benefit of other owners!

Books in the Cabanas

Over the years the board has maintained a small book library in the pool cabanas. They have been recently restocked so why not go to the library and take a look! Feel free to borrow a book or contribute your own! What’s better than reading a book by the pool in paradise?

A Word on Security and Safety

Periodically there are rumors that certain people are targeted by our security personnel. As head of the Security Committee, I would like to assure you that is NOT true. Management keeps very good records of incidents and citations, and this record keeping has helped us a number of times in the past to ward off accusations. On occasion, residents have gone to the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission but all of these cases have been dismissed because, although a person may strongly feel they are being targeted, we have never found any truth to these cases.

Let me give an example related to noise complaints. The protocol that has been in place since 2009 is that when there is a noise complaint security goes to investigate where the complaint originates, they watch and listen to determine where the noise is coming from. Sometimes there is a small dispute that is over before security gets there but if there is excessive noise then they will go to the unit and advise them to let them know they are disturbing their neighbors and to, respectfully, keep it down. We log that as a verbal warning. If they have to go back again they will get another warning but if they keep it up, then they will get a citation. The first citation is normally not accompanied by a fine but additional ones may well include a fine for habitual violators. The purpose of this process is not to fine people but to correct the behavior that is disturbing the peace and comfort of the community. We try to get residents to understand that they are part of a neighborhood and that their actions impact others, and that everyone is entitled to live here without undue disruption.

For those who think that our security or management team is not doing enough about these problems please understand that we are not always able to tell you directly what fines or other actions are being taken due to privacy concerns. We often need to involve our attorney and seek legal advice, particularly for ongoing issues, and these things take time. One way or another we do resolve problems, up to and including evictions and legal action.

So, if you do feel you are being targeted in any way please let our Chief of Security Chris Hodges or our General Manager Joe Nunuha know your concerns so they can look into it. If you are still not satisfied then please let the Board of Directors know. The targeting and harassment of anyone by staff or other residents is not tolerated. We all deserve to live in safety and comfort and it is our duty to ensure this remains the case.


March 2022 Newsletter

Welcome to the March 2022 edition of the Makaha Valley Plantation newsletter! The aim of this newsletter is to bring you the latest MVP news, project updates, and help to inform the community on the Westside.
General Meeting
Our annual meeting is fast approaching where owners can meet, raise issues and questions, and hold general elections. The general meeting will be held at:
9am – March 19, 2022
Makaha Valley Country Club
84-627 Makaha Valley Rd.
Waianae, HI 96792
Owners should now have received and returned your proxy packet but if you have had any issues, please reach out to Chester at Touchstone https://makahavalleyplantation.org/contact/. You can also read our Proxy FAQ at https://makahavalleyplantation.org/proxy-form-faq/ to get a better understanding of the proxy process.
Parking situation at MVP
MVP was built in the mid 1970’s and was originally designed to be more of a resort type property and not a residential community.  Society has changed, having a car was sort of a luxury.  Now having two cars is almost a requirement for most families.  With 101 parking spaces, for residence to rent, from the association, it isn’t enough.  There is a two-year waiting list.   We only have 47 visitor’s parking space with some areas not having any visitor spaces.  So, there is a lot of competition for parking spaces.  Some homeowners who have a second car are so desperate for a second parking space they park their vehicles in someone else’s space without approval, especially if they know they are out of town or take up a visitor space.  Some homeowners are here only part time and keep their car in their space.  If they have a guest use their unit. Where does the guest park, well, in the visitor stall parking?  If there is only one visitor parking space in your area and you have a guest come over, where do they park?  So, some guidelines needed to be made that would make it fair for everyone.  It was decided that we must limit the amount of time a visitor can stay overnight and occupy a visitor stall.   If you have a guest staying in your unit and your parking stall is empty, your guest can stay in your stall as-long-as they are staying in your unit. If your car is parked in your stall and if a guest is staying in your unit they are only allotted 10 overnight parking passes per month. This is on a trial basis to see how it works out with guest parking in your unit’s stall.  We need to accommodate everyone and so explain that to your guest about our parking situation, so they know what to expect when they arrive. 
Nobody knows
Do any of you know anything about the Board members and their backgrounds?   Let’s start with Regan.  When it comes to construction, he is our man.  With 44 years of international construction knowledge.  His last major project was building the Atlantis Hotel in the Bahamas.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t know too many people with those kinds of credentials.  We are very fortunate to have him on the Board.  He has assisted with reviewing plans, and he also helped write the specification for the PV System and the contract that is underway. 
Then you have Tommy and Kathy who have been real estate developers in San Diego and Hawaii.  You know being a developer takes a whole another level of understanding construction.  You must have the vision and understand the whole dynamics of getting a project off the ground through completion and then leasing it up to make it successful.  That is not something you read about in a book, you must go through the trials and tribulations to work out the problems.
Larry has been a Union Steward for 25 plus years as well as running the union as President for 12 years he has worked on investigations on behalf of his union members as well as management. This involved contracts, safety, security, and regulations that helped run the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard. He also served 5 years active duty in the Army with a tour in Vietnam. We thank him for his service. His background helps to oversee our Security and Personnel at MVP. 
Patrick is our Medical / Psychological person having worked in a hospital and school environment he provides and introspective view on matters and has been a great sounding board for all of us.
Andrew our newest member has been instrumental in upgrading our communication system and the creation of our newsletter.
Greg has been in the arena of finance for the greater part of his life. With 35 years as a commercial real estate agent, a financial planner, obtained his series 6 and 26 securities licenses, a business broker, a Reginal Vice President with a national insurance company and over a decade as a VP and Senior Business Banking officer at Central Pacific Bank, currently working with some of the largest architectural firms in the State on parking solution integration. 
Security at MVP
There seems to be some confusion about what our Security people can and cannot do here on MVP. Hopefully, we can clear this up.
Some believe that our Security are like police officers. They aren’t. The City and State do not grant them that kind of power. They can enforce our House Rules, and in the case of people breaking the law, as in spouse abuse happening on the property, they call the police. Yes, we can and do cite them for noise complaints, but the abused must press charges for the police to arrest the abusers in most cases. If the abused person does not press charges against the abuser, we can do nothing. We can appear as witnesses, and our reports on the incident are evidence.
There seems to be a perception that when a resident calls Security about noise from another unit or some other complaint, our Security does nothing about it. False. Security will come down, investigate the complaint, and follow up. If in the say noise complaint, the security personnel find it accurate and going on when they are there, they will ask the residents of that unit to keep the noise down. If they must return and find it going on, they will issue a citation. Now, this is where many think nothing is being done. Security is not allowed to tell you what kind of action has been taken other than they have issued a citation. They cannot tell you if it resulted in a fine, how much the fine was, or anything of that nature. We must deal with the Privacy Act, which prevents us from telling you precisely what Security did. We cannot put them on blast or anything else. If applicable, the unit tenant and owner would get a copy of the citation and the fine amount. In the case of a renter, the owner may pay that fine and then collect what has owed them from their tenant. If there were too many citations, the owner would evict the offender in the past. If you’re wondering if the owner does nothing about that tenant, then be assured that we have our attorneys get on it and tell the owner to evict the tenant. To my knowledge, we have never had to go further than that before the owner has evicted the tenant. Be assured that your complaints do not get ignored, but sometimes it can take some time to get the unit back to normal. We all get frustrated when it seems to take a long time to get something done, but we must follow the law. I hope this clears up some of the misconceptions that take place here in MVP. Thank you!
 To be continued.
Controlling The Coop
Our maintenance crew has been hard at work removing chickens and eggs! In February 15 chickens were caught and removed, 7 of which were roosters. The City and County of Honolulu themselves is working to reduce the number of feral chickens on the island, and they provide helpful information and phone numbers here: https://www.honolulu.gov/rep/site/csd/Feral_Chicken_Info_Sheet.pdf